It Is To Laugh

Out loud even...

I told you yesterday that I was done with laments. NO...I'm not already breaking that pledge. However, I also told you that I would report any further "signs" in a positive, upbeat manner. THAT'S what I'm talking about...

Julie just made my day...letting me know in her customary manner - MUSIC - that she's still with me on "Day One" of the rest of my life!

You "Doubting Thomases" out there...I am NOT making this stuff up! Therefore, how do YOU explain the "coincidences" that have literally flooded my life during the past year?

All I can say is that I am truly missing my calling...I should be picking the numbers for the lottery, because the things that are happening to me are definitely "beating the odds".

I told you day before yesterday about the song that started playing as I turned into the cemetery..."Sad Songs (Say So Much)" by Julie's favorite singer, Elton John.

I told you yesterday about flipping on the radio halfway home from visiting Julie's grave site exactly one year to the minute that she passed...and hearing Elton again, with our very special song..."Circle of Life".

Well, today was such a beautiful day...actually "gorgeous" to use Julie's favorite word to describe beauty...that I decided to visit the cemetery early, while it was warmer. (Yesterday evening at 6 p.m. was a bit nippy!) Anyway, checked on the roses, added a bit of water...and just visited for a while.

Waited for some birds or butterflies to entertain me, but the anniversary of THAT event is still several days away. Finally decided that it was time to hit the road. On the way down the hill, a couple of butterflies did make an appearance...but did not do any tricks. Oh, well...

When I got into the car and started the engine, I saw that it was 1:30 p.m. so I turned to my news channel to catch up on current events. When the news ended, on came Rush Limbaugh. Yikes...can barely stand to listen to him in normal times. During this election season...with his worst nightmare playing out that a black man might get elected President of the United States...impossible. So I quickly punched the button for my pre-set oldies station.

And that's when Julie spoke unto me...

What was my music selection yesterday for the FINAL "pity party"? "Longest Days" by John Mellencamp. No, no, no! That song was NOT playing on the radio...doubt if ANY of the songs from that dreary album will ever play on the radio. (Sorry, John.)

And, remember...the pledge! No more laments...

So, where's the "sign", you ask?

The song playing on the radio as I pulled out of the cemetery today WAS the song that I cited yesterday to "introduce" you to John Cougar Mellencamp. the cemetery faded in my rear-view mirror, Julie and I were hoppin' and boppin' to little "Pink Houses"...